
How To Target Small Business Owners On Facebook

How to Target Entrepreneurs on Facebook

Past providing some of the most comprehensive advertisement capabilities, Facebook sets the bar for social media advertising. It'southward possible to target people based on their age and geography using Facebook Audience insights. As we all know, Facebook advertising categories are anything only unproblematic, with categories ranging from specialty to downright odd, such as friends of newlyweds, family members of expats, and fifty-fifty ecotourism enthusiasts.

Despite Facebook's extensive capabilities, 66% of B2Bs conducting paid campaigns are still unable to figure out. In that location is no guarantee that whatsoever of the post-obit strategies volition be the best fit for your company. You're at the right place if you're feeling overwhelmed, beaten down, or stressed out by Facebook adverts. Using the top B2B advertising categories on Facebook, we'll evidence you how to target entrepreneurs on Facebook.

How to Target Entrepreneurs on Facebook

Your firm may not benefit from every 1 of the strategies listed below. Keeping your buyer personas close at hand as you lot go through the list will allow y'all to jot downwardly any relevant information.

Use interests related to business owners

Everybody interested in making money, not just bodily business organisation owners, will benefit from this strategy. While the algorithm may define different interests depending on how Facebook users interact with social media, we accept no way of knowing whether or not this person has a business; it'south nevertheless worth trying.

Several services are highly beneficial for those who plan to build up a business concern. Alternatively, people in your manufacture may pass your advertising to a business acquaintance, or an employee may tell their coworkers about your offering.

Target Facebook pages admins

One or more admins are required for every Facebook page. Generally speaking, an admin is a person who establishes and administers this folio, which can imply that this individual is the business's possessor or, at the very least, has pregnant influence over disquisitional choices.

Endeavor to become in touch with the administrators of the business page you lot're interested in. Behaviors is where yous'll discover Facebook folio admins, equally well as a specific specialization of Facebook page admins, such as "Travel and tourism Page admins," for example.

Target Facebook payments users

Facebook users who accept spent money in the terminal three months might be targeted using this innovative category. This category might target business concern owners on Facebook, fundamental determination-makers, or B2Bs in charge of visitor spending.

Apply Custom Audiences

The people who have interacted with your Instagram business relationship or seen your videos or other media tin can all be included in your custom audiences. To employ the Facebook pixel option, you must already have a Facebook Pixel-enabled website and have advertised the being of that website. The pixel already has information about your website visitors, clients, and concern owners using this method.

Use retargeting to remind visitors of the website of your products or services or even to test out new products and services.

Some other option to target business organization owners is to reach out to yous directly or follow you lot through your social media accounts. Entrepreneurs will not be able to make it touch on with yous if your business relationship is more than personal.

Your clients' phone numbers and email addresses can also be uploaded if you access a database. A minimum of 300 contacts are required; ideally, one thousand are preferred.

How to Target Entrepreneurs on Facebook

LAL – Lookalike Audition

If y'all currently have customers, using a lookalike crowd tin can be a powerful marketing strategy. Substantially, it's a mirror prototype of the original audience.

Your pixel data, people that have engaged with you, your data from a file, etc., are all examples of source audiences. You may quickly and easily find folks who will be interested in your product by doing this. Try all percentages of lookalike audiences: sometimes ane% doesn't work, but 4% does.

Media and brands for business owners

If you want to connect with business organisation owners, you need to think like one. What kind of media or product can only exist used by business owners and those securely involved in the firm?

Detailed targeting expansion

Facebook automatically selects the best audition for your ad based on your specific targeting options. However, for some items, it works ameliorate than any other method. If y'all've never used Facebook'south advert middle earlier, this is one of the simplest and near effective methods to get started.

Even if you don't accept whatever hobbies listed, you can notwithstanding add together them and expand your knowledge.

B2B events and organizations

There are many special events that business leaders or senior direction participate in and are also members of unique communities. Nosotros remember their objectives are worth pursuing, although they are a concentrated group of business leaders. If you lot're able to admission their guest lists, you lot can upload them every bit a custom audition.

Here are some things nosotros discovered through Facebook Ads:

  • Social Gatherings
  • A convention devoted to minor businesses
  • Week of Small Concern
  • Minor Business concern Federation
  • Association of Small Business concern Owners
  • America's Small Business organization Owners
  • Week of Entrepreneurship

Female entrepreneurs

There is a sizable and well-organized female person business community. Several groups promote female entrepreneurship, and women in business organization aid ane other out. You're more likely to find business owners if you target female person entrepreneurs.

The best style to achieve female business owners is to use specific targeting and a particular interest, such as:

  • Female person Business Owners
  • Women-Owned Small Businesses
  • Organizations for Women Entrepreneurs

Choose interests that only Businesses would be interested in

Information technology's possible to place some Facebook interests that can just be associated with businesses, such as specialized software or legal entities. ERP systems are unlikely to be of interest to a random Instagram or Facebook user.

You may want to look into the following:

  • Software for minor businesses
  • Valuation of a business
  • Software equally a Service
  • Types of corporations
  • Automation of business processes, etc.

Use Ads to Target Small Businesses on Facebook

The companies you're trying to approach may not accept a significant enough presence on Facebook to appear in the site'south list of employers. To target a small-scale company owner, choose the demographic.

Every bit the terminal stride, reduce the telescopic of your search by using variables such as digital behavior, geography, and interests to find precisely the kind of business organization owners you want.

Cues You Should Use to Target Entrepreneurs on Facebook

Cues Yous Should Utilise to Target Entrepreneurs on Facebook

Employ Task Titles

Personalizing your message past targeting certain chore titles guarantees that your message is more than constructive.

For instance, using an account-based marketing strategy, you might build several Facebook campaigns for different jobs within the same organization. The best method for attracting concern owners is to aim for the golden!


Not all countries take this choice. In other words, with income-based targeting, we may narrow our search to only include people in specific income brackets. We don't know how much money these families brand considering tax regime don't collect this information.

Based on their earnings, it's condom to presume that these individuals tin run their enterprises. If y'all're searching for something to experiment with, go alee and give this a whirl.

Narrowing Audiences

Having a specific specialization in mind can help you narrow down your search. To narrow your target audience on Facebook, yous must select both of your desired interests from the drop-down bill of fare and not merely one.

To exist sure, this tool helps narrow your target audience to a manageable size, but you should proceed with circumspection because it cannot always be relied upon to practise and so.

The ideal audition size is betwixt 300,000 and 500,000 people. It is possible to launch the ad fifty-fifty if your budget is less than 100,000, but you lot'll have to pay more for each click. You'll be able to determine whether or non your investments were worthwhile.

Interests, habits, and other types of behavior can all be narrowed downwards using this strategy.

Lookalike Audiences

Using a Facebook Pixel, you tin generate a personalized lookalike audience for your website's visitors. Begin by looking at what you already know nearly your audience. Starting with groups like these would be an excellent place to begin:

  • As a outcome of their time on your site, these visitors became leads
  • Conversions from leads to customers
  • Your most devoted clients or consumers

Using Facebook'southward secret sauce, you'll be able to get together even more than information on the people you want to target. Account-based marketing efforts can do good from this likewise.

You can also utilize data from your most successful consumers to tailor your lookalike audience. Lookalike audiences are nifty for narrowing down your target demographic for Facebook advertising, merely there are many other ways to do information technology.


Visitors to your website from people who found you on Facebook are more than than likely interested in your production and will visit your website to larn more about it. Your clients are online, and you can have reward of this past using customized Facebook advertising to engage with them and build your business concern.

At present it's up to you to take the initiative and become after business owners on your own. Don't be disappointed if your Facebook B2B advertising campaign doesn't meet your expectations. It takes fourth dimension to figure out how to target entrepreneurs on Facebook.

Dimitar Talevski

Dimitar is a digital marketer, SEO specialist, niche websites architect, and founder of CLICKVISION. He entered the digital marketing world when he was only fifteen years sometime. Since and so, he has been working mostly with small business owners and eCommerce businesses and successfully improved their online presence and increased their sales.


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